
Mount Meru

An exhilarating trekking expedition in the untouched wilderness.

The Mount Meru trekking experience is a true adventure. Here are some points about this remarkable volcano:

  1. Fascinating Panoramic Vistas: The slopes of this dormant (yet active - the last eruption was in 1910) volcano provide breathtaking panoramic views.

  2. Thriving Wildlife: The area surrounding Mount Meru is teeming with vibrant wildlife, adding to the excitement of the trekking adventure.

  3. Unique Appearance: This volcano, which emerged approximately 500,000 years ago, features a distinct and peculiar appearance due to its eastern side virtually exploding during its initial eruption.

  4. Deep Crater: Mount Meru boasts one of the deepest craters, with a depth exceeding 1,500 meters.

Embarking on a Mount Meru trekking expedition promises an awe-inspiring journey filled with magnificent vistas, abundant wildlife, and a deep appreciation for the geological wonders of this remarkable volcano.

mount meru map with routes
Mount Meru 2023

Why Climb Mount Meru?

There are several reasons to include Mount Meru into your Tanzania adventures list. Regrettably, this volcano is often out shadowed by Kilimanjaro –  located in the immediate vicinity, it attracts the most of international hikers, thus making it a secondary hiking destination or a warm-up exercise. The majority of hikers, however, ignore it altogether.
We at Hekima Safaris Heritage firmly believe that MT. Meru hiking is a great adventure by itself because of these reasons:

Essentials points

Mount Meru Expedition

The key features of Mount Meru expedition are the following:

Mount Meru, located in Tanzania's Arusha National Park, offers breathtaking scenery throughout the climb. As you ascend the mountain, you'll witness stunning landscapes, including lush rainforests, alpine meadows, and rugged cliffs. The picturesque views of the surrounding savannah and neighboring Mount Kilimanjaro add to the charm of this adventure.

Reason 1
Stunning sceneries
Mount Meru showcases enchanting scenic vistas that captivate the senses. The trek to Socialist Peak (4566m/14,980 ft) takes you through multiple climatic zones, unveiling diverse landscapes and unmatched opportunities for wildlife photography. The summit area of Mt Meru offers truly gratifying views, with valleys, forests, and meadows covered in lush greenery, and a breathtaking sight of the Kilimanjaro peak emerging on the horizon, surprising even the most seasoned travelers.
Reason 1
Reason 2
Rich wildlife
Situated within the boundaries of Arusha National Park, Mount Meru stands as a rare testament to a mountain still densely populated by wildlife, freely roaming its slopes. Hikers embarking on this adventure are likely to encounter various animals along the way, including buffaloes, antelopes, monkeys, giraffes, and, with a stroke of luck, even elephants.
Reason 2
wandel safari arusha
Reason 3
No crowds
Despite its remarkable features, Mount Meru remains relatively undiscovered among hikers. In contrast, popular routes like Marangu and Machame on Mount Kilimanjaro often experience overcrowding, leading to potential "traffic jams" during the high season. Such congestion is unheard of on the trails of Mount Meru. For those yearning for secluded and peaceful hiking experiences in the wilderness, Mount Meru stands as an excellent choice.
Reason 3
Reason 4
Mount Meru hiking tour is affordable
Unlike other hiking adventures, climbing Mount Meru offers a more affordable experience. Due to the absence of tent camping (as overnight stays are in huts), the required crew size is smaller, resulting in reduced travel costs. As a result, Mount Meru becomes an excellent and budget-friendly alternative for those seeking an affordable adventure.
Reason 4
Reason 5
Excellent addition for the safari tour
The primary allure for visitors to Tanzania lies in its abundant wildlife. Numerous experts have consistently voted the country as the top destination for observing big game. However, expanding your horizons and seeking more diverse experiences is equally compelling. Therefore, combining a safari tour with a Mount Meru climb proves to be an excellent idea for maximizing the best of Tanzania. This way, travelers can immerse themselves in the captivating wildlife and also indulge in the exhilarating adventure of scaling Mount Meru.
Reason 5

Day-by-Day Itinerary


Tanzania’s second tallest mountain at 4,566m

3 days & 4 days hiking are available