
Top 15 Facts About Tanzania

Arusha Tanzania
Adventure Safaris

Tanzania has grown in popularity as a tourist destination due to its unique landscape and rich culture. Simply said, it is one of the most well-known safari places in the world. You can see some incredible animals, including highlights of the wildebeest migration. This tutorial will explain why Tanzania should be your next vacation destination and how to obtain a Tanzania visa. But first, let’s go through the fundamentals.

Continue reading to learn the most relevant information about Tanzania.

1. Tanzania is East Africa's biggest country.

Tanzania is an East African country that comprises the islands of Zanzibar, Mafia, and Pemba. It is bounded to the north by Kenya and Uganda, and to the south by Mozambique, Zambia, and Malawi. Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Rwanda are also neighbours. Dodoma, Tanzania’s capital, is located in the centre of the country. Tanzania has a population of somewhat more than 56 million people. Life expectancy is 64 years on average.

2. Tanzanians speak Swahili

Tanzania is a multilingual country with several languages. Tanzania’s official language is Swahili. English, on the other hand, is widely spoken. Here are some simple Swahili words to get you started:

  • Hello – hujambo (hoo-jahm-boh) 
  • Goodbye – kwaheri (kwah-hair-ree) 
  • Please – tafadhali (tah- fah-dhal -ee) 
  • Thanks – Asante (ah-sahn-tay) 
  • You’re welcome – Karibu (kah-ree-boo)  
  • Yes – ndiyo (ndee-o) 
  • No – hapana (hah-pahn-ah)

3. Tanzanian currency

Tanzania’s currency is the Tanzanian shilling.

4. Is a vacation in Tanzania inexpensive?

The average daily travel cost per person varies according on your activity and location. While a safari may be rather expensive (a mid-range safari in Tanzania starts at roughly €283 per person per day), you can enjoy alternative activities at a lower cost, such as a Maasai village visit in the Serengeti for €9.5.

5. Tourist Etiquette in Tanzania

Here are some suggestions for your travel to Tanzania:

  • On game drives and excursions, it is common to tip your driver, guide, and other employees.
  • When purchasing an item in the village, you may also bargain. Locals normally charge more for products purchased by visitors, although they dislike pushy tourists.
  • Women are required to cover their arms and legs. T-shirt and striped shorts do not go together! 

6. Tanzanian Culture

Another thing on our list of Tanzania facts is that the Tanzanian people are very courteous and polite to tourists.

Things not to do in Tanzania include:

  • Touching someone of the opposing sex in public may disturb some locals.
  • If you smell the meal before eating it, it is a clue that something is wrong with it.
  • Some ethnic groups think that flash removes a portion of their soul, therefore ask before photography.
  • Locals should be greeted with your right hand alone, as the left hand is considered filthy.

7. The Maasai Tribe

Another fascinating fact about Tanzania is that it is home to more than 120 ethnic groups. The Maasai are probably the most well-known. They are a nomadic tribe that lives in northern Tanzania and Kenya. They are well-known for their vibrant clothes and traditional way of life.

They speak Maa and reside near the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Serengeti National Park. They have a strong bond with their animals, and you will frequently see Maasai guiding them on the highways.

8. Tanzania is home to Africa's tallest peak.

Tanzania is most famous for Mount Kilimanjaro. It is Africa’s tallest peak. Almost any kind of environment may be found here. If you enjoy hiking, the ascent is well worth it.

9. Tanzania has the world's greatest animal migration.

Serengeti National Park is Tanzania’s oldest park and a famous tourist attraction. The Big Five may be found here (lion, buffalo, elephant, leopard and rhino). The huge wildebeest migration may be seen in July and August. During this time of year, millions of wildebeest, zebra, and antelope roam the Serengeti plains in search of new grass. In the meantime, ravenous crocodiles and predators lurk in the river. Wow!

10. Ngorongoro Crater has the world's densest animal population.

The park is home to around 25,000 animals. It has been dubbed one of Africa’s seven natural wonders and is located in northern Tanzania between the Serengeti and Lake Manyara. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area, which includes the Ngorongoro volcanic crater, is home to a broad range of animals, including elephant, black rhino, black-maned lion, ostrich, and zebra. The lakes are home to,000 flamingos during the wet season.

11. Lake Manyara National Park has the highest population of baboons

This park features woods, wetlands, and grasslands. It is home to a vast variety of birds, including thousands of flamingos during certain seasons. It also has the world’s highest concentration of baboons. Wildlife excursions, kayaking, mountain biking, and bird viewing trips are among the activities available here.

12. Zanzibar's beaches are often regarded as among the most beautiful in the world.

The beaches of Zanzibar are a must-see in Africa. You’re just off the coast of Dar es Salaam. They are regarded as some of the most beautiful beaches in the world due to its white sand, azure sea, and swaying palm palms! On one of Zanzibar’s islands, you should also attempt scuba diving or snorkeling. However, there are other diving sites available. Nungwi, on Zanzibar’s northeast coast, is an excellent spot to begin.

13. Lake Tanganyika is the world's longest freshwater lake.

It is also Africa’s second largest lake, the world’s second deepest, and the world’s second oldest. Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, and Zambia share the lake. It is home to almost 350 distinct fish species, the majority of which are indigenous.

14. Tanzanian food is unquestionably delicious.

Tanzania is the place to go if you want to sample different dishes. Crocodiles, antelopes, and ostriches may all be tasted. Spices are very significant in Tanzanian cuisine. Much of the food, such as fruit, coffee, and nuts, is grown locally. Mandazi (fluffy fried bread), ugali (a cornmeal side dish similar to polenta), and the famous street cuisine mshikaki are other local favorites (marinated meat on a skewer).

15. Lake Manyara National Park is well-known for its tree climbing lions.

Lake Manyara National Park is one of Tanzania’s smallest parks. However, this does not diminish its significance. Aside from the breathtaking environment, the park is also well-known for its tree-climbing lions. You may also be able to spot elephant families traveling through the jungle.

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